Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Bzzzzzzz...eee. (Busy)

Angeline's Valentine Picture that I took!
My towels have sat in the washing machine for almost 4 days, or since Sunday. YIKES!  And then yesterday, I remembered and I rewashed the towels AGAIN, and today is a new day... Guess what!? They're still sitting in the f@!king washer! I wouldn't use the word lazy, but I am TIRED. I have been sooo busy with catching up on school work.. I mean it's not like I have to catch up, I am already ahead, but I like to stay ahead, so I write in my planner that things are due a week before, so I make sure to have them done and so if I DO have to do something, which results me from not being home, I don't have to stress out about it. BUT... school work, trying to be healthy by going to the gym, taking care of the ANGELine... kind of overwhelms me, and on top of that, I am still a stay at home wife no matter what, so my husband expects for the towels to make there way in the dryer and then folded and placed in the bathroom cabinet... For the dishes to be washed, placed in the dishwasher and then in the kitchen cabinets. I think the worst part of cleaning is the aftermath, putting things back in there place when you are done, and it's just a vicious cycle. *inhale* *exhale* So, I am trying my best to do everything 100%, right now I am about at an 80%, and I'd at least like to be at a 90% because I like A's. ;)

<center>But since I haven't blogged in awhile, I thought I'd share some pictures of February!

In Texas, rarely do we get snow, we mainly just get ice, but it snowed for a couple of days, and Angeline got to play in it!

I made something in her room to display her work! I don't know the correct term for the material I used, but it's for scrap-booking and then got clothespins to hang the pictures.

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